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iris photography

incredible artwork, as unique as your family

let me create a beautiful and unique portrait of your family with a stunning close up image of your irises.

personal and special, your eyes hold incredible colours and details in their structure.


compare your families eyes whether they are brown, blue or green.

capture the truely amazing bond within.


our images are taken on a high resolution digital camera with lifesize magnification of your eyeball, revealing your irises unique characteristics and stunning colour variations in great detail.

using studio lighting techniques and professional colour management we ensure to represent your irises colours as accurate as possible throughout our editing and printing process.

during your photo session your entire eyeball is photographed at 1:1 magnification, including your eyelids and lashes. we then process the images, the iris is separated and placed onto a plain black background.


from here, it is entirely up to you which design you chose or whether you prefer your iris to be displayed sleek and smooth.


showcasing your irises details and colours we created a variety of designs for you to chose from.

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our most popular design is the collision of two or more irises


this is perfect for partners, friends, siblings or entire families as a truely different kind of family portrait

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